Monday, October 22, 2012

PDR 1878 Cubano Especial - Capa Natural

Start spreading the news. Go smoke one today. You don't want to part with it. PDR 1878..1878.

WARNING: If you have antipathy toward cigars that are immaculately constructed, have a smooth and excellent drag, blow great puffs, and have an exquisite blend between cedar and  cream -- then STAY FAR AWAY from the PDR 1878 Cubano Especial.

The PDR 1878 Capa Natural short-toro (5.5 x 54) is not spicy at all. As the cigar  evenly burned down, it was the cream that took over.  I smoked this wonder at 11:30am, precisely the right time of day as the cigar is not overly complex. It leans mild and is not overbearing in any way. The PDR 1878 produced no mystery. Kinda like watching a good western where you don't have to think too much about who the bad guy is and you just know that the good guy will gun him down in the end. It was all-world when lit and hall of fame when sadly put out. This stick can carry it's own weight against any other $7 stogie. Definitely does not need Candy Crowley to come to its polemic rescue. 

Note - this is the second cigar I smoked during the same sitting, and there is something to be said about "follow-up cigars" that will be touched upon in a future Cigar Saloon post. 

I picked this gem up at Cuban Crafters on NW 7th Street in Miami. A wonderful, somewhat spacious cigar store with ample well-stocked humidors carrying cigars from all price points. They also had inexpensive bundles from local cigar makers. Add to the experience free cuban coffee, comfortable rockers, a barber shop, and shoe shine set-up. Oh yeah, they even have extra barber shop chairs that you can use to smoke, shoot the bull and heckle hapless, emotional bota-gorda domino players.

CS Rating: 4.5

El Alcalde


  1. The PDR Guys are making the best premium cigars and selling them for everyday cigar prices. I think people may not appreciate them because of the low price. Big mistake! I like the PDR Oscuro best, which gives me more spice than the 1878, but I've never had to throw one of their sticks in the mulch pile for any reason and smoke them until my fingers start to catch fire.. Also, as the Alcalde correctly points out, the 1878 Capa Natural is the perfect morning smoke. --Mamey

  2. What keeps this cigar from being a 5.0, drag? Have you tried the maduro?
    Diamond E

  3. Wow, Diamond E, you kinda nailed it. When I commenced writing the review, my intention was to give it a CS 5. But then I couldn't. The drag was actually excellent. The 0.5 drop to 4.5 was due to the cap a natural, by it's very nature, lacks the complexity of an oscuro. It did not have the extra umpphh, or kick, to propel to Rudyard Kipling status. The Maduro may get it to the promised land.

    El Alcalde

  4. The Alcalde appears to have bias for maduro wrapper I say. I like natural wrappers.

  5. Hasuki, perhaps I do have a bias toward the maduro wrapper. But it is not an overly strong bias. In fact, I prefer a natural wrapper for late morning and early afternoon smokes. That said, the PDR Cubano Especial NATURAL wrapper is an excellent cigar and did edge toward a CS 5.0

    El Alcalde

  6. Have you tried the PDR 1878 in a maduro wrapper, Mr. Alcalde? Maybe it's not as good as the Natural. Maybe it is. I would like your opinion. Hasuki

  7. Hasuki-san, I will definitely try it and compare and post the result. Just a reminder, the Saloon is about sharing "no holds barred" opinions -- so your opinion is required as well -- once you get a chance to compare.

    El Alcalde

  8. Mr. Alcalde you confuse Oscuro and Maduro wrappers. They are different. How can you say they are better on the 1878 than the Natural when you have not tried them? Natural tastes the best I say. That is Hasuki's opinion.

  9. Nope Hasusuzuki -- I did not confuse the two. Only mentioned oscuro once (when I mentioned complexity). Since then, I have referenced maduro and used the word "may" be better. Read my last comment Zooker, when I said I would try and compare. If my mind is made up why would I say that? Reading is Fundamental, Wazooki.

    El Alcalde

  10. 4.5? Considering it a 5? No No No No NO!

    The cigar is a solid 3.5, maybe but not quite a 4. I only got a few minutes of that creamy taste, and I was surprised I got that. The cigar just wreaks of lijero, and thats it.

    Hell if you look at the cigar after you knock off the ash, notice how big and prolific that cone is.That is there because the lijero tobacco (stronger spicy stuff) burns more slowly than the other tobacco. Frankly the large amount of lijero packed into the cigar completely overbalances the flavored mild nuance one would derive from natural wrapper.

    There is no conceivable way this cigar can be put into the league of 5.0 cigars. Quite frankly, it offends me.

    The lancero version of the cigar, I would agree is a 4, and maybe can be argued to a 4.5. But that is ONLY because it is much better balance by the fact that it doesn't have such an overpowering amount of lijero because you can't physically pack it into such a lean cigar.

    CS Rating: 3.5

    The Oil Baron has spoken.

  11. Mr. Alcalde plays word games. He says that 1878 lacks the complexity of Oscuro and in the next sentece says that "maduro may get it to promised land." PDR makes an Oscuro and a Maduro. They are different. Alcalde is confused.

  12. An Ocuro and a Maduro? That is good to know, thanks Hasuki!

    Diamond E

    On another note, a couple of contributors and others use the term "creamy" to describe a cigar...not sure what they are talking about...I'm guessing whatever that is, I don't like it because I seem to like "earthy" cigars and strong coffee without cream.

  13. TOB is so passionate about his protestations of a 4.5 CS Rating that I will try another one and wither confirm or rescind my rating. No offense intended Mr TOB -- just rating a damn good cigar. But I will reconsider. I'm flexible, not rigid.

    El Alcalde

  14. Hasuki-san. Indeed, I am confused. And will try the oscuro AND the maduro. With the latter, I was thinking about a maduro wrapper adding complexity to the taste and thus the promised land. Thanks for the tip, Mr Hasuki-blowhard.

    El Alcalde
