Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Last night I smoked a real Cuban Romeo y Julieta Churchill. It was a quiet evening, so I could really hear Winston Churchill turning in his grave when he asked me, "How could a cigar named after me be this awful?" I answered, "What can you expect from Communists?" The beautiful wrapper concealed a criminally miswrapped and poorly constructed cigar which drew a little better than a 2" x 4", but not by much. I say let the Europeans and other status seekers continue to get fleeced by buying these absurdly expensive, inconsistent, and overrated sticks while we in the USA continue to enjoy the best cigars in the world made by Cuban experts!

CS Rating - 1.5

I had to recover from the above experience real fast, so I reached for a Man O' War Torpedo made by Abdel "AJ" Fernandez, the hottest cigar maker in the biz and justifiably so. The MOW is toasty, sweet, creamy, and very flavorful. It tastes more Cuban than the Communist Cubans and the draw is terrific. If you want the authentic taste of a 1959 Cuban cigar, the MOW is the way to go.--Mamey

CS Rating- Rock Solid 4


  1. This is a great post and it's true, the Commies think that their shit don't stink and that their cigars win just because they have a "Cuban " label. Truth is, the great cigar makers left Cuba and are out there making kick-ass cigars. Loved the "criminally miswrapped" line -- nice touch

    El A

    ps: must try MOW

  2. Sound like consistency is the problem with Cuban cigars. Was the taste bad?

    Funny, I had to chase the RP I smoked (see post below) with one of my Punch Rare Corojo, which I truly enjoy (I need to write a review).

    The MOW are boutique cigars, you have to buy them over the internet?

    Diamond E

  3. To be fair, I really need to explain how I was able to get a hint of this cigar's flavor, given its decrepit draw. At first there was almost no smoke, so I put it out, and ran a skewer through the length of the cigar to open it up. It still didn't draw much, so I cut it about the halfway point and re-lit it. The draw was still meager, but became weak when I got to the nub. At this point it had a mild sweet, creamy flavor, along the same lines of the Santiago Cabana, Padron 1926, Padilla Hybrid, and MOW Virtue, but without the terrific draw of the latter cigar labels. TRy as they might,the Communists haven't been able to totally destroy Cuba's tobacco fields in the last 50 years, but they're on their way.--Mamey

  4. Skewer? That are a better man than I, it would have been tossed before I go to those lengths.

    Diamond E
