Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Punch - Champion

The Punch Champion is a damn good smoke. Stress on the word "smoke" because this one burns nice and heavy. I used a v-cut and the drag was very satisfying. It is robust and the taste is ...well, tobacco. Earthy tobacco. I would have preferred a bit sweeter but the great mouthful of smoke made up for it. A half-point was deducted because the burn was uneven and it did get a bit hot toward the end, preventing full enjoyment to the last puff.

CS Rating: 3.5

El Alcalde


  1. Sounds like it is worth a try.
    Diamond E

  2. It is the ugliest cigar that I have seen...
    Diamond E

  3. As El Alcalde wrote, this one is a bit earthy, did burn a little uneven, needed a re-light towards the end. Was not a fan of the small ring size at the head, reminded me of a cigarette. Had a really nice drag. All in all, not bad though and could be used as a nice short smoke.

    Diamond E CS Score = 3
