Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hoyo de Monterrey - Hoyo de Tradicion

Thought that a review of another HdM would be a fitting post for the inaugural month of Cigar Saloon. After all, the HdM has been the raging debate of August. I smoked the HdT paired with an ice cold Shiner Bock on a hot and slightly muggy tropical afternoon this weekend. I had the HdT Toro. It is square or boxed shaped.

Overall, the HdT is a better cigar than the controversial HdM O3. Basically, the HdT has all the good qualities of the O3 (smooth smoke, great puffs, even burn) plus the added benefit of more taste is robust and definitely more complex. Another HdT positive is that it is a slower burn. The stick will last for the duration of 12-15 songs for those of you who enjoy kicking back and listening to tunes when smoking. However, the cigar did get a bit hot toward the end. I still need to re-review the O3 accompanied by an espresso.

CS Rating: 3.5

El Alcalde


  1. HdM seems to be a great cigar line.

    Can you be a little more specific on which one?

    BTW the O3 is an espresso experience onto itself, does not need an espresso, unless you want the caffeine kick.
    Diamond E

  2. A link has been added so that the faithful Cigar Saloon reader can see what the HdT looks like. Since I was not fortunate enough to enjoy the self-contained espresso experience I thought that drinking an espresso with the O3 may jump start the experience

    El A

  3. I have not smoked the Hoyo de Tradición, but have smoked several of the HdM line, and have cocluded that there are much better cigars available for the money and even for less: Padron, Padilla, Man O' Wars, Pepín Garcias, Gran Habanos, 5 Vegas Miami, R&J Habana Reserve, Santiago Cabanas, Por Larrañaga, Finck 1893, etc.--Mamey

  4. HdT is a good smoke. Gurkha Ninja, Padilla 1948 and Santiago Cabana have been rated by me this month and are superior. So, upon further thought, a CS rating of 3.5 is more appropriate and I will make the revision (never let it be said that El Alcalde is not flexible). Mamey, you may like HdT. Then again ....

  5. The two HdM cigars that I have tried P03 and the 1066 have been awesome, and am looking forward to trying the Tradicion. I may have found my brand...

    Diamond E

  6. I like the Hoyo de Tradicion when I want a lighter, medium cigar. The draw is always full, the construction is always just right, and the flavor is fine. I sometimes like to start the day with one. Comparable smokes for me are along the lines of Bahia Trinidad Pancho, La Vieja Habana Cameroon, MoW Virtue lonsdale, maybe even La Perla Habana Cobre.

    And just because I like these doesn't mean I smoke only wimpy lighter smokes. I also like MoW Ruination, Diesel, Cain "F" Habano, Cohiba XV, CAO LX2, Padron Londres, etc. There's a day and a time for everything! --Bowmeister

  7. What? Is Bowmister serious or is he just swooping into the room to pull a few chains? I don't know what "fine" flavor means -- that is a fantastically vacuous way of describing nothing. Bowmuster, when it comes to Hoyo, words such as choppy, putrid, soapy, stale prunes, lentil soup, fried liver, inelegant dank, green pea-stuffed boiled eggs are more useful descriptors. It takes boldness and a bit of cojones, but you can do it Bowmaster. There is potential in you to make mighty contributions. Shake off the inhibitions Mr. Bow, you seem like a nice, gentle, informed person. But remember: this is a Saloon not a Salon.


  8. Bowmeister, Festus has a point regarding the flavor description ("fine"), but the old geezer fails to have an appreciation that you have provided a clue as to what some of the other cigars you mention may taste like by contrast.
    He is also right in stating this is a Saloon not a Salon...if you read some of the other comment throughout the blog you will note you need to be prepared to stand by your opinion.

    Thanks for your post and hope to hear from you again (Colt Calvary Peacemaker recommended),

    Diamond E

  9. By the way Festus, are you a sniper or a gunfighter? Have not seen you post.

    Diamond E

  10. Diamond E correctly points out that Bowmeater dropped a "clue" ... and it is accurate to say that I overlooked the soft point that was being made. There are some who become enchanted with a late-morning mild drizzle and some who perk up when there is a full-out tempest. I'm the latter. There are some who like bold espresso, others prefer gobs of cream. I'm the former. Mr B does have a tenderness to his writing that may appeal to some, and that's totally cool. But a dust-up here and there is salutary and a battle tested gunslinger like Festus prefers straight-talk.


  11. I really don't care if Festus is a sniper, a gunfighter, or a pool
    boy, the point is that you don't bring a knife to a gunfight or a limp
    HdM into the Saloon!

  12. Festus did not put forward any cigar knowledge. Bowmeister talked cigars but Festus talked Bowmeister...Bowmeister wins.

    Diamond E

  13. A review of HdM should be based on critical facts without deflection. The posture and expertise of the reviewer is a must. Bowhalfmeter needs to produce 10 years of tax returns to substantiate his veracity. At least that's what Festus thinks.

  14. Although perhaps a little crude, Festus gave an accurate, colorful description of the limp, gimp, and wimp HdM. There is no sport in beating a dead horse or wasting more time on the HdM.. Bowmister does not explain why in the dickens any self-respectin’ cowboy in his right mind would buy an HdM over a MOW, PDR, My Father, Padilla. Padrón, Gran Habano, Alec Bradley, San Lotano, etc. Needless to say, HdMs are not welcome at the Long Branch.
    Miss Kitty

  15. Every Pussy is entitled to an opinion. Thanks for posting Miss Kitty.

    Diamond E

  16. Now there, Diamond E, it does no good calling that pleasant chap Bowmental any names, just cuz he has an opinion. At least that's how Festus sees it.

  17. Festus or is it Felix, I'm thinking Felix as in the cat. Please join Miss Kitty in the group of posters who stand ready to eat out of the Meow Mix bowl. This is a cigar forum, not to be mistaken as your litter box.

    So post a review or go a dig a hole somewhere else and do your business there.

    Diamond E
