Sunday, August 21, 2011

Windbag Warren

Warren Buffet, a bonafide billionaire (and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that) clamors for higher taxes on the rich as part of the solution to remedy our federal government's debt and deficit madness. Parroting fiscal maven Obama, he proclaims it as "a matter of fairness" that Mr Buffet's secretary should not pay a higher tax rate than he himself does. Here are some casual thoughts on the subject:
  1. How much income does Buffet's secretary earn? Maybe he/she is among the targeted Obama filthy rich, and earns the ghastly amount of $200,000 or more (assume not married). If so, why take pity on a villainous millionaire?
  2. Hey, here's an idea -- fix the heretical injustice by lowering Buffet's secretary tax rate rather than raising Warren's. Relieve the mendicant secretary and not punish the windbag.
  3. Why aren't we told the name of this mythical secretary? Let's just out the person once and for all.
  4. Windbag Warren is already a billionaire. Increasing tax rates on those that earn more than $200,000 but haven't quite amassed the billions that Warren has will simply make it harder for the billionaire wannabes to become billionaires. Therefore protecting Warren from billionaire intruders. How convenient.
  5. The windbag is always free to volunteer to pay more taxes himself. Just write the check Warren. As Milton Friedman said - you are free to choose.
CS Rating for WB: 2

El Alcalde

1 comment:

  1. Ole! No one seems to have the guts to criticize Emperor Warren of Omaha. Also, no one seems to want to tell us if the $250k is before or after allowed deductions. The great majority of small business owners earn more than that in gross income, but of course have to pay rent, employees, cost of goods, etc. Are they part of the Obama wealthy class that need to pay more taxes? Mamey
